Eyes on Pollution Reporting Hotline

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Our Partners

At BCMAC, we believe that the strength of the environmental movement lies in our ability to work together, combining our skills, resources, and passion to create meaningful change. The challenges we face—protecting our air, water, and communities from pollution and advocating for a sustainable future—are too great to tackle alone. That’s why we are deeply grateful to the organizations and individuals who have generously contributed their time, expertise, and resources to support our mission.

Shared labor and resources are the lifeblood of grassroots movements like ours. By pooling our collective talents and energy, we can amplify our impact, reach more people, and achieve greater victories for the environment and public health. We are honored to work alongside such dedicated partners and are inspired by the collaboration that fuels our shared vision of a cleaner, healthier, and more just world. 

Our National Partners: 

Environmental Health Project

Physicians for Social Responsibility

Moms Clean Air Force 

Food and Water Watch 

The Environmental Integrity Project

The Climate Reality Project 

The Natural History Museum 

Beyond Plastics

Toxic Free Future 


Break Free From Plastics (BFFP)

Halt the Harm Network 

FracTracker Alliance

Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

Our Regional Partners: 

Breathe Project 

Three Rivers Waterkeeper

Reducing Odor Contaminants in Indoor Spaces (ROCIS) 

Communities First - Sewickley Valley

Rail Pollution Protection Pittsburgh (RP3)

Center for Healthy Environments & Communities (University of Pittsburgh) 

Creat Lab (Carnegie Mellon University) 

Mountain Watershed Association 

The Center for Coalfield Justice

Clean Air Council 

Clean Air Action Fund

Better Path Coalition

Fair Shake Environmental Legal Services 

Ohio River Valley Institute (ORVI)

People Over Petro Coalition (POPCO) 

Our Local Partners: 

Reimagine Beaver County 

Beaver County Peace Links